Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Yay! Chase had a mostly restful night and an early-morning chest X-ray that looked great, so we were discharged around 10:15 AM! That was by far the quickest morning discharge we've seen in MUSC history! Haha!

It wasn't all fun and games though. The nurse came in to remove his IV, which of course wasn't too pleasant. But by far the worst part was when she removed the compression tape that was wrapped all around his thigh and groin, covering the catheter insertion point. There were a LOT of tears. A lot. The poor guy! But I'm so glad he was totally free of all tape before we left so he could be more comfortable with the ride home. And so I wouldn't have to be the meanie to remove it once we get home. :)

Clearly we couldn't just leave the hospital after discharge... Chase had been looking forward to playing in the Atrium the entire time we were here, so we went straight there after leaving his room on 8D.





Hopefully we'll be on the road soon... If we can get this kid outta the playroom! I have to say, I'm astonished at how much energy he has so soon after the cath! The increased oxygen saturations are clearly working in his favor! He just never ceases to amaze me!!!!

I so love this boy!!!

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