Tuesday, August 11, 2015

E's 2nd Birthday!


It's been a while, huh?

Guess the blog has taken a backseat in 2015! So sorry! I figured I'd mention to all of you out there on the interwebs that we are alive and well and having a wonderful year! We have been busy enjoying our summer, but I need to catch y'all up a bit!

For now, I'll take a moment to share pics from E's 2nd birthday!!! Can you believe this sweet little nugget of mine is TWO??

Here he is in the adorable outfit I made for him... complete with "Birthday Boy" embroidered on it! I think that 2 is the cutoff age for these kinds of outfits, at least for my kids anyway.  ;)

Opening presents with help from big sis!

I think he's excited about this next one...

Still pretty excited!

Ooooooh! His own 4-wheeler from mommy & daddy! Fun!

Hmmmm... we may have been singing to him at this point, hence the panicked look on his face - haha!

Seriously, he loves cake and was very excited. You'll see so in just a sec.

Yummy. Cupcake.

Ooooh! Cupcakes cut up and eaten with a fork are the BEST! Silly sweet boy!

Help with the new toy from big bro!

Best of all? Reading a book with Mona!!! LOVE.

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