Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The End of Quarantine!!!

Quarantine ended today! Yay!! Grandparents arrived today to help us as we prepare for Chase's surgery. The kids were SO excited to see them!!! We had a productive day, including some errands, a home haircut for Chase and a dinner date for hubs and I! While we're no longer officially in quarantine, we still must be diligent in keeping Chase away from germs and sick individuals. But hugs & squeezes from grandparents are a-okay!!

Tomorrow we have a full day of pre-op scheduled: temp, o2, BPs (x4), chest X-ray, echocardiogram, EKG and a blood draw. We will meet with the anesthesiologists and our surgeon, Dr. Bradley. We also plan to take Chase to the Atrium (ginormous play room) for a bit as well. It'll be a long, exhausting day, but we're bringing plenty of distractions to help Chase get through the day.

Please pray for us tomorrow as we work through the pre-op requirements. Please pray they don't find anything that could potentially delay this surgery... elevated temp or white blood count (signs of a possible infection), etc. We need a clean bill of health to sign off and make Chase's Fontan a "Go!" As much as I'm dreading this, I know it's what he needs and we just need to get through it so he can be stronger & healthier.

Thank you for your prayers! And don't forget -- you can send well wishes to Chase at the address below! Thank you for your support!

PO Box 12406
Charleston, SC 29422

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