Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Quarantine: Day 10 (The One with E's 1st Birthday)

Quarantine day 10, also known as E's actual 1st birthday, was a huge success! I started out my morning by taking LO to school. My last time dropping her off for 1st grade! Hubs usually takes her, so it was a fun change in our routine for today.

Not long after that, I enjoyed lots of love and cuddles with this little birthday boy of mine. He loves sticking his tongue out these days... silly boy!

Then it was time for birthday pancakes! I can't believe he's ONE!

Love my cutie!

My boy went to town on his first pancake! No need to cut it up, mom. I've got this.

Seriously, we have yet to find a food this boy won't scarf down!

I had big lunch plans with my girl today. Seems she won a special Subway lunch (this one deserves its own blog post) but I was worried it would happen after we leave for Charleston, so I promised her I would bring her lunch from Subway today. We sat with some of her best friends and she seemed to really enjoy it! Funny thing was I got a call this evening from the school that they are going to have her special lunch this Friday since they knew she'd be leaving. What a special surprise! Two Subway lunches in one week? That never happens!

Here's my perfectly posed sweetheart with a few of her besties.

Dinner was so much fun tonight!

This boy loves his big sis!

Mmmmmmm... mashed potatoes!

Love my silly Chase!

After dinner we had a little family celebration for E's big day. Of course we started with the wonderful cake LO and Chase created for him.

Yay! Cake time!

I love love love E's face in this pic! Not sure if the fire was a little too close for his liking? Or maybe he too was overwhelmed by the number of sprinkles on one single cake?

Eating the cake, of course, was no problem! He comes from a family armed with more sweet-tooths (teeth?) than one could imagine!

Once the cake was all gone cleaned up, we brought out one last birthday present. You can see he was thrilled.

He really loved his new ride-on toy! And I just love this happy baby of mine!

My sweet boy!

Other highlights of the day? I was able to get the letter from LO's principal that we were waiting on, so YAY! Also, I finished up Chase's Toy Story hospital gown. But other than that, we're still in a bit of a holding pattern...

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