Monday, July 23, 2012

LO's 5th Birthday: Part 1

OMG. I'm so sorry I've been MIA for so long! It's been crazy busy 'round here lately! One main reason for this just might be LO's 5th birthday! We held her party here at the house last Saturday and it was a smashing success! She had a wonderful day and of course that was all that mattered to me!

I'll probably do a short series of posts about her big party and her big day (which isn't actually until Wednesday), because I'm really excited about some of the craftiness I busted out for the decor. But for now I'll just share her sweet little invitation...

I really loved the way the invitations turned out. And I let LO address each of the envelopes herself, which she was crazy stoked about! Well, actually I just let her write the names on the envelopes and I wrote in the addresses, but it was still fun for us both. :)

I'll share more soon once I get around to downloading the bazillion pics from my DSLR! :)

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