Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome . . . Back??

So I haven't been blogging much lately. Have you noticed? I can't really pinpoint an exact reason why. I think in a way I felt like technology was taking over my life and I had little to no say in the matter. I was drawn to tweet the latest cute pic of Chase, check in on Facebook to see what my friends and family are up to (since most of don't have real-time relationships anymore) and had a tiny, nagging feeling that I HAD to blog whether I felt like it or not. So I've taken a little technology break and have told my Facebook page, my Twitter account, and this here blog WHO IS IN CHARGE (if you aren't following me, it's me. I'm in charge. Of my technologies. Got it?). Anywho, I've decided I don't hate blogging and in fact I've actually missed it a bit. Everyone knows good blogs are updated daily, so I'm gonna try to get back in the habit. Besides, this all started out with me sharing about a dining experience gone terribly, horribly wrong, and really, if you guys have stuck with me with my rambling commentary on raw meat, then surely you're still interested in what is going on in my world these days! ;)

So let's see... Here are a few of the latest updates from our little world...

Chase is doing wonderfully following his ear tube surgery last week. He's much more attentive, seems very interested in watching our mouths when we speak, and has picked up new words like "on" and "in" and "bye" -- making me one very happy and proud mama! He's so very smart and continues to amaze me every day. I am so grateful to have him in my life and am beyond blessed that he's doing so wonderfully health-wise. God is so very good!

I am very excited to share that I have recently taken on a volunteer position with Palmetto Hearts, a non-profit organization serving South Carolina families affected by Congenital Heart Defects. I have taken on the role of Director of Community Programs, and am so excited about meeting other heart families from across the state! My biggest task is planning our annual Pediatric Cardiology Reunion in Charleston, SC on September 17th. This is where our heart families from across the state get together along with the surgeons, doctors, nurses and other staff from the Pediatric Cardiology department at MUSC Children's Hospital for an evening of fun, games, food and fellowship with each other. I'm so excited to be responsible for putting this event together -- from start to finish -- and am hoping for a VERY successful event! Because of the additional time and attention required to serve in this role, I regrettably had to resign from serving alongside several wonderful heart mamas through Sisters by Heart. They are amazing and are continuing to make a positive impact in the heart community. Please continue to lend them your support!

LO will be FOUR next month. FOUR, people! I am amazed (she was 10 months old when I started this blog, and that seems like just yesterday)! Sheesh. I am also VERY hopeful that we will leave the Tyrannical Three's in the dust and that FOUR will be the start of new and improved behavior. Seriously. I cannot tell you how awful the past several months have been when it comes to disciplining her and attempting to get her to listen and behave. It's been an uphill battle and we've been losing them week after week. Good thing is, we haven't lost the war! I know as a parent it can be very difficult to handle the daily struggles of bad behavior, enforce discipline all while trying to instill quality character traits like honesty and compassion. I know I need to do better about being patient with her and always remember she's not even 4 years old yet, and not to get angry or frustrated with her. But it's hard. I really enjoyed the "Have a New Kid by Friday" method I tried a few months ago, but WOW was it ever difficult to stick to! It was a parenting style radically different than my own, but I think it's worth revisiting. I've also pulled out "The New Strong-Willed Child" by James Dobson and am hoping to glean some wisdom from this best-seller as well.

There are lots of other things going on, but I think I'll leave it at this for now. Stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Also, thanks for your patience with me and for not abandoning me considering my lack of recent blogging. I'm doing this because I want to (not because I feel like I have to) and because I truly value the input and support I receive from you through your comments.