Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday Fun

Sunday afternoon we took the family to a local pumpkin patch for some fun. We had a blast! We took LO 2 years ago and she had so much fun again this year! Chase wasn't sure what to think of it all... I'm sure it will be more fun for him next year when he's bigger.

Here are a few pics of the fun!

Yes, there was a Cow Train to ride!

And pumpkins to pick!

And a "bull" to ride!

And a "horse" to ride!

And a "cow" to ride!

Two years ago we could barely see her head over the top of the seat!

And of course there were naps to be had on the way home (thank goodness)!

We had a great time, even though it was WAAAAY too hot for October pumpkin pickin' (in my opinion).

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