Saturday, July 5, 2008

Organized Randomness (Part II)

If you were to look up the term "glutton for punishment" in your favorite dictionary, you would most certainly find a picture of yours truly. Ya, I seem to have a way of taking a simple task and turning it into the fiasco of the century.

To what am I referring? You guessed it! My durn wall photo collage thingy!

Let's pick up where I last left off...
  1. You remember I was frustrated that my 4x6 pictures looked tiny and that the frames I purchased didn't come in 11x14, right? Of course you did! Well, LO and I stopped by Kohl's on Thursday to scope out their jewelry (thanks for the suggestion to actually shop IN stores rather than online, Kristen! I'll post on LO's new jewelry soon!) and while we were there, we wandered back to the Home Decor area to scope out their collection of frames. What a great idea. (read with sarcasm)

  2. Almost $200 later, we were returning home with a new collection of wall frames, ranging from 11x14 to 5x7. PERFECT!

  3. So of course now I needed to make new wall templates to match the specs of my new frames. That took all evening. Once I had them finished, I put them up on the wall to start debating the layout.

  4. Surprisingly enough, I didn't hate the layout! But of course it DID need a few tweaks. Here's what I had:

  5. After much pondering, I decided to add two individual 5x7 frames to the mix. Here's how that looked:

  6. Now I need to order additional prints of the pictures I want to use in the sizes that I need them in. I love using Shutterfly for this, but I've also found it's quite convenient to order prints directly from iPhoto (I Love My MacBook!!!). While iPhoto prints tend to be less expensive than Shutterfly, my experience has been that Shutterfly prints and ships a few days quicker than iPhoto. Plus I want to use a matte finish and iPhoto only allows glossy. So I'm going to order my prints today and start finalizing my wall template to the point where I can mark drill holes, etc. Should be fun!
I guess this means there will be an "Organized Randomness (Part III)" -- which really isn't surprising considering this project has turned into a crazy fiasco! :)

'Til next time!


  1. I am so impressed and yet a little freaked out at how much attention you are giving this! I can't wait to see the final product! I wouldn't plan at all, I'd just start hammering away and hope some kind of organized randomness is the result.

  2. LOL! Hubs has said it several times before... I've got "issues." I probably take the longest route to get from Point A to Point B, but I guess that's part of what makes me me! :D
